The GPS Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C)
The Gladesville Public School P&C is a parent-led group that is open to all families and staff at the school. All parents and carers, old and new to the school, are always welcome!
The GPS P&C is run by an elected committee, made up of volunteer parents. We provide a general forum for discussion on issues that affect the school and its community and, working with the school Principal, assist in developing ideas and initiatives for managing them. The P&C is made up of parents and carers from Kindy through to Year 6 – all volunteers are welcome.
We also organise a number of social events for students and families throughout the year, fundraise, and manage services such as the second-hand uniform shop.
The GPS P&C is all about bringing the community together and supporting the school. In recent years the GPS P&C has held successful events such as the Colour Run, Movie Night, Plates of the World, School Discos, Gelato Day, and many more fun events!
Our fundraising contributions have supported the role of a GPS SLSO (School Learning Support Officer), provided supplies for classroom teachers, purchased new reading texts and classroom smart boards, and more.
How do I become involved?
All parents at GPS are welcome and encouraged to get involved with the GPS P&C. To become a voting P&C member you need to attend a meeting and pay a $1 annual membership fee – this can be done in person or via the Qkr! App. However you are more than welcome to visit a meeting without becoming a member – everyone is welcome!
For those that can’t attend meetings in person, we offer a remote login for each meeting so you can join virtually.
Our meetings include a report from the Principal which is often an informative insight into what is happening within the school, an update from our committees, information on upcoming events, and an opportunity for you to ask questions and have your say.
Parents and carers are also encouraged to volunteer at P&C events or help with planning behind the scenes. Whatever your talents or time available, we’d love to have you involved! Please make sure you have completed a Declaration for Child Related Workers form at the school office.
We also encourage all GPS parents and carers to join the GPS Community Facebook page.
2025 GPS P&C Meeting Dates
Meetings are held at 7pm in the school staffroom, with online dial in available, on the last Wednesday of the month during school term. In 2025 the dates are:
- 19 February
- 26 March
- 30 April
- 25 June
- 30 July
- 27 August
- 29 October
- 26 November (AGM)
How do I contact the P&C?
The GPS P&C is a member of the Federation of Parents and Citizens Association of NSW. Enquiries regarding membership should be directed to the Secretary, whereas general enquiries can be sent through to the President, and Vice-Presidents.
The 2025 Executive Committee is as follows:
President – Serena Faber-Nelson -
Vice President – Felicity Cook -
Vice President – Richard Avery -
Secretary – Anna Southcombe -
Treasurer – Renee Bates -
We also have a number of subcommittees including Events, Grounds, Communications, GOOSH, Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability, Student Wellbeing, Second Hand Uniforms, Merit Selection, and Out of Area Representatives.
Our committee are volunteers elected to these roles at our AGM each year, which is held in November. If you are ever interested in volunteering for a P&C role, please reach out to the Secretary who can provide more information.
Upcoming P&C Events
GPS is lucky to have a fun events calendar where students and families can connect and celebrate special milestones. See the calendar for this term's events.
Events planned for 2025 include:
- Welcome Back Photobooth
- Tea & Tissues (for new Kindy families)
- Greetings on the Green School Picnic
- Cross Country BBQ
- Class Catch-Up and Sporties Raffle Night
- Outdoor Movie Night
- Mothers & Carers Breakfast and Stalls
- Sushi Day
- 100 Days of Kindy
- Fathers & Carers Breakfast and Stalls
- End of Year Parent Trivia Night
- Gelato Day
If you are interested in contributing to and or joining the GPS P&C Events Team, please email
P&C Class Parents
The role of Class Parent is primarily one of creating a social network amongst the parents of the school as a whole and specifically of your class group.
The role of the class parent at GPS is to:
Create a Class WhatsApp group where families can connect and keep informed of school and P&C Events.
Facilitate Class and/or year catch ups and community building.
At the end of year, organise the group Class Present for the children’s teacher.
If you are a parent or carer at GPS and have not been allocated a class parent, or would like to be a class parent, please email who will be able to assist.
Qkr! Is the handy app that GPS P&C uses to accept payments. This can be for things like raffle tickets or the cross-country BBQ.
For new users - download the app and Select GLADESVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL as your school. Add your child’s details and select their class from the dropdown menu.
For returning users - please ensure your child’s details are correct and update their NEW CLASS for 2025 from the dropdown menu.
GPS Uniform Shop - Taleb
The GPS Uniform Shop is managed by Taleb and the website can be found HERE. This website requires all families to create an account to make purchases instore and online.
Online orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom. Please note their name and class in the order notes online.
Our Uniform Shop manager, Jackie, will be instore to help you on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 9:30am. It is recommended that new students be fitted at the uniform shop.
If you have any queries or concerns, please reach out to
GPS Second-hand Uniform Shop
The second-hand uniform shop is run by P&C volunteers and accepts donations of good-excellent quality second hand GPS uniforms. These items are available for sale to GPS families for a gold coin donation for any item, except winter tunics which are $5.
Please keep an eye on the Gladesville Public School Community Facebook page for opening hours.
If you are interested in helping out with the GPS Second-hand Uniform Shop, please email for more information.
After School Care at GPS - GOOSH
Gladesville Out of School Hours Inc is run independently of the school but located on the Gladesville Public School grounds. The service is run by Team Kids, and they can be contacted on 0413 410 273, or email
Currently there are places available for permanent or casual bookings.
Vacation Care
The school holidays program is available through the Gladesville Out of School Hours (GOOSH) Centre. Details can be found on the Team Kids website.
Further Information