Gladesville Public School

Excellence, Integrity, Opportunity, Success

Telephone02 9817 2388

About our school

Gladesville Public School serves a community rich in diversity and character. Our school enjoys a long tradition of students achieving academic, creative, performing and sporting excellence. We achieve this by offering a broad curriculum delivered by a committed teaching staff within a school wide culture of positive behaviour. 

The students of Gladesville Public School have chosen our core values of respect, integrity, excellence, care and compassion and giving a fair go to all. 

We are committed to developing a sound grounding in literacy and numeracy by providing programs that cater for the individual needs of students. We foster a safe, caring and secure environment that promotes self esteem, respect and a sense of belonging. 

School priorities include literacy (Best Start Lighthouse School), numeracy (Middle School Quicksmart Program), sport (individuals and teams participating at State level), creative and performing arts (Wakakirri State Finalists in story dance 2009 and short films 2009 / 2010), gifted and talented education and technology programs utilising interactive whiteboards in all classrooms. 

We actively promote and enjoy strong parent involvement in classroom programs. The students at Gladesville Public School overwhelmingly and consistently report a high level of satisfaction and happiness in their learning and enjoy coming to school.

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